Tuesday 13.12.22

Show begin: 18:00
Admission: 18:00

About the show:

Advent Advent ein Lichtlein brennt. Erst eins, dann zwei, dann drei, dann vier. Dann der Baum. Dann die Tür.

Watch out Leute!! Tanzen3000 only two more times dis year and dangerously ready to celebrate obscure interpretations of the betriebliche Weihnachtsfeier. Bring your friends! When they're busy, tell them this is for alle Beschäftigten.

But maybe the Weihnachtsmann brought some other good arguments, let's see.

On December 13, we have BEN PAVLIDIS hosting a workshop that will make you listen to music. Sounds like nothing but you wait for it. And then TASTY on the decks plays beforementioned music for 2 satte hours till you feel like the Leckerei from the Weihnachtsbäckerei.

On December 27, Tanzen3000's neither Christ nor Kind LENA ZINNEN looks into the golden book to check who she can randomly punish. So much is clear but not her workshop topic. With ALMA OMEGA hingegen it's pretty foreseeable what will happen: Mariah Carey. All I want for three days after Schmismas with the family is you!

But maybe I'm wrong and she plays HipHop. Dat's the future, let's worry about dat later.

À propos Sorgen, also der Dezember wird leider wieder zu hot für seine Jahreszeit... um des vom Anfang einfach mal abzuschließen. Sonst verzetteln wir uns noch und vergessen die eigentliche Bedeutung und zentrale Botschaft dieses Festes.

Die is nämlich: HOT. Es wird echt so unglaublich hot, dass es einen, na, vom Hotter hot. You understand!
