Tuesday 15.11.22

Show begin: 18:00
Admission: 18:00

About the show:

Next week we celebrate 1 sweet year at Zirkus Mond and dis baby likes cake.
So tarte-sächlich we prep'ed a sonic Kalorienbombe: ALMA OMEGA.

In her former life she was a Doppelrahmstufe Frischkäsefabrik but wasn't made for the Kühlregal and reincarnated as a creme-de-la-creme DJane with a lasting hunger for fat bass.

WarmUp by Tanzen3000's THOMAS under the motto: Nutri Score E - dangerous for the body but really really good for the soul!
Movement exercises for those who dairy.
18:00 Grooving in with Hip Hop beats
18:30 Workshop with Thomas
20:00 DJ Set by Alma Omega
22:00 Pappplatt
