Sunday 13.04.25
About the show:
Simon Moreau - "L'escale"
"L'escale" ist ein Zirkusmärchen: die wortlose Geschichte einer Begegnung mit einem Zuschauer auf einer imaginären Insel. In einem poetischen Universum, das im Laufe der Geschichte wächst, erzählt diese Erzählung vom Reisen, vom Teilen und Abschied.
Eine ungewöhnliche Reise.
Eine sanfte Jonglage und ein schlaffes Seil, die an einem für die Show entwickelten Apparat befestigt sind, begleiten dieses Abenteuer zu Ihrem Vergnügen. Ein süßer Moment, der Jung und Alt berühren wird.
Publikum: Alle
Dauer: 45min
Genre: Clown & circus show
Eintrittspreise: 10-20 EUR (pro person)
Reservieren Sie Ihr Ticket hier für 5€ und zahlen Sie den Rest an der Abendkasse - Preisstaffelung - zwischen 5 und 15€.
Simon Moreau- “L’escale”
“L’escale” is a circus tale: the wordless story of an encounter with a spectator on an imaginary island. In a poetic universe that grows as the story unfolds, this tale speaks of traveling, sharing and leaving.
An unusual journey.
A soft juggling and a slack rope, mounted on an apparatus designed for the show, join this adventure for your viewing pleasure.
A sweet moment that will touch both young and old.
Audience: All
Duration: 45min
Genre: Clown & circus show
Ticket prices: 10-20 EUR (per person)
Book your ticket here for 5€ and pay the rest at the box office - sliding scale - between 5 and 15€.
Simon Moreau.
It is in the street that you are most likely to see Simon. Since 2017, he has been transforming public spaces into ephemeral theaters to tell stories, played with poetry and lightness.
Since childhood, circus arts have been part of his life. However, he studied cinema and visual effects before moving to Berlin in 2015, where the local scene inspired him to turn his passion into a profession.
A circus performer, juggler, and rope walker, he trained by attending various workshops and made his debut on the street. This eventually led him to write L’Escale, a circus tale for young and old, which has been touring street festivals across Europe since 2018.
Between two summer seasons, Simon met Marc Zeun. Together, they founded Roar Circus, an essential duo at juggling conventions in Europe and worldwide, known for their zany show “The Roar Circus Show”, and especially as masters of ceremonies.
In 2022, he decided to dive into the art of clowning by joining the school ‘Le Samovar’ in Paris. Along with other students, he co-created a new burlesque company called “La Détonnante”.