Friday 21.06.24
Saturday 22.06.24
Sunday 23.06.24
About the show:
Leo Bassi is serious about fun. He loves reason and anarchy. And he hates hypocrisy, conformity and stupidity. And he hates fundamentalism and power.
The comedy adventure show "The Best" is filled with fun and excitement at a high level. The entertaining evening quickly becomes an adventure show, an adventurous treat for the audience. Whenever you think you can assess him, Leo Bassi shows new sides. And so this tingling in the stomach remains, because you never know whether it is dangerous to laugh at him or others.
An unforgettable experience! There is no relaxation until after the show. Before that, there are plenty of pleasures as well as thrills.
Leo Bassi has the reputation of the genius of comedy, the Mr. Hyde of clowns. He was named 'Broadway Entertainer of the Year' in New York. In Montreal Comedy Festival as Star of the Montreal Festival. In Munich awarded the Star of the Year alongside Götz George. And in Cannes he received the theatre prize GRAND PRIX DU JURY.
Friday 21/6
Doors: 19:00 Show: 20:00
Saturday 22/6
Doors: 19:00 Show: 20:00
Sunday 23/6
Doors: 19:00 Show: 20:00
Language: English & others
Duration: 1h 30m with break
Audience: +12 years
Tickets: 15-30€
--------------------------------------------------------------auf Deutsch--------------------------------------------------------------------
Leo Bassi macht Ernst mit dem Spaß. Er liebt Vernunft und Anarchie. Und er hasst Heuchelei, Angepasstheit und Verdummung. Und er hasst Fundamentalismus und Macht.
Die Comedy-Adventure-Show "The Best" ist gefüllt mit Spaß und Spannung auf hohem Niveau. Der unterhaltsame Abend wird schnell zur Erlebnisshow, zu einem abenteuerlichen Vergnügen für die Zuschauer. Immer dann, wenn man meint, ihn einschätzen zu können, zeigt Leo Bassi neue Seiten. Und so bleibt dieses Kribbeln im Bauch, weil man nie weiß, ob es gefährlich ist, über ihn oder andere zu lachen.
Ein unvergessliches Erlebnis! Entspannung gibt es erst nach der Show. Zuvor Reichhaltiges an Genuss wie Nervenkitzel.
Leo Bassi hat den Ruf des Genius der Comedy, der Mr. Hyde der Clowns. Gekürt wurde er in New York zum Broadway-Entertainer of the Year. In Montreal Comedy-Festival als Star of the Montreal Festival. In München ausgezeichnet mit dem Stern des Jahres neben Götz George. Und in Cannes erhielt er den Theaterpreis GRAND PRIX DU JURY.
Friday 21/6
Doors: 19:00 Show: 20:00
Saturday 22/6
Doors: 19:00 Show: 20:00
Sunday 23/6
Doors: 19:00 Show: 20:00
Language: English & others
Duration: 1h 30m with break
Audience: +12 years
Tickets: 15-30€
He describes himself as the "most dangerous clown in the world". Leo Bassi is more than just a cabaret artist - he shocks and provokes not only verbally by breaking socio-political taboos. The world has yet to see his legendary stage performances. With them, he declares war on money, power and stupidity.
Leo Bassi wants to change the world. As the offspring of an Italian-French circus family, he grew up to be a unique artist who developed into a revolutionary. From the perspective of a great thinker and with the passion of a clown, he philosophizes eloquently about life. But he also creates atmospheric moods with his mime and gestures that no one can escape. His worldwide shows offer one surprise after another. He unloads his criticism directly on the object, sometimes excessively crushing Coca Cola cans or cutting the logos out of the audience's brand clothing. Leo Bassi has already been awarded the highest comedy prizes. Among others, he has received the "Star of the Montreal Festival".
Experience an unforgettable and extremely critical show on an international level with Leo Bassi. The extreme clown overcomes every language barrier with his unique style of acting - with him, nothing is simply impossible.