Friday 29.03.24

Show begin: 19:00
Admission: 18:00

Saturday 30.03.24

Show begin: 19:00
Admission: 18:00

About the show:

A Cabaret in search of inner peace, a walk in balance through the wonderful forest of circus arts.
In this show we are inviting the audience to join us into a grupal therapeutic journey.

Circus - Mainfullness - Acrobatics - Self Awareness - Comedy - Habits - Juggling

Juan Migama (Guru)
Dani Diaz (Hairsuspension)
Emma Laule (Aerials)
Philippe Ducasse (Manipulation)
Liam Wilson (Juggling)
Bodypoet Kazuma (Samurai Dance)
James Kingsford (Crutches)
Alina & Melle (Acro Duo)

Spieldauer: ca. 2h (mit Pause)
Tickets: 15-30€
Publikum: Groß und Klein

See you all very soon....Namaste.
